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BJC Annual Spring Gala

Sunday, March 3, 2024 23 Adar I 5784

5:00 PM - 8:00 PMBeth Jacob

Save the date for our annual spring Gala! This year’s theme is “L’dor VaDor; From Generation to Generation.” We’ll be celebrating the fantastic diversity in our community. Join the fun, schmooze with members of all ages, all in support of our beloved shul! We will again have both a silent and live auction.

Thank you to everyone who has donated an item to the live or silent auction in the past! Please consider offering an outing, experience, lesson, gift card, or item to the silent or live auction. If you have any questions or special requests regarding your donation, please also use the email link below. 

Beth-Jacob.org/auction - We can no longer promise to include donor names in the Gala program book now, but we will accept donations and keep the donation form open until Friday March 1 at 1:00pm.

Click here if you would like to print your submission form.

Which generation makes the best kugel?! New this year, we’ll be auctioning off slots to compete in a kugel making contest, and selling seats for a kugel tasting for the judges which will take place on Sunday March 31st 4-5pm.

Have questions, suggestions or want to be in touch with the fundraiser committee?  Please reach out to Geoff Marshall & the fundraising team at fundraiser@beth-jacob.org. We look forward to sharing a wonderful evening with you!! 

Register for the event:

Donations to help underwrite the cost of those who might struggle to attend at full cost are much appreciated. This can be added in the form below.

Please log into ShulCloud below if you'd like to charge this to your account. You can also register without logging in.

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784