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2023-2024 (5784) Shabbat Morning Learning Registration

Fill out the form below to register for Shabbat Classes at Beth Jacob:

Babysitting/Minyan Katan 
Kitanim (PKK - Kindergarten)
1st-4th Grade 
5th-6th Grade
7th-8th Grade 
High School - Madrichim (9-12th grade teaching assistants)

Shabbat classes meet most Saturday mornings at 10am-12pm from Sept. 9th, 2023 through May 18th, 2024. See the full calendar here.

Please note: For the safety of all in our community, Beth Jacob requires all program participants to be up-to-date on vaccinations, including the COVID vaccine. 

Should cost be prohibitive please continue with registration and contact RabbiTamar@Beth-Jacob.org or RabbiJustinHeld@Beth-Jacob.org for accomodation. 

PARENT 2 (Optional):
Minyan Katan/Babysitting ($20/month) 
PPK-Kindergarten ($360)
1st-2nd Grade ($540)
3rd-4th Grade ($650) 
5th-8th Grade ($420) 
9th-12th Grade ($180) 
B'nai Mitzvah Programming:
Does your child have any other allergies, to food, medication, or other? If so, please tell us everything we need to know.
IMPORTANT: Please enter any health/special info about this child that of which we should be aware (please be specific).
This photo will be used in classroom activities (e.g. for attendance purposes) NOT for publishing anywhere else.
We may take photos (not on Shabbat) of BJC youth programming, and these photos (without names) may be included in Iyunim/Kehillat Shabbat and Beth Jacob Congregation printed and online materials. If that is something with which you are NOT comfortable, check this box.
Minyan Katan/Babysitting ($20/month) 
PPK-Kindergarten ($360)
1st-2nd Grade ($540)
3rd-4th Grade ($650) 
5th-8th Grade ($420) 
9th-12th Grade ($180) 
B'nai Mitzvah Programming:
Does your child have any other allergies, to food, medication, or other? If so, please tell us everything we need to know.
IMPORTANT: Please enter any health/special info about this child that of which we should be aware (please be specific).
This photo will be used in classroom activities (e.g. for attendance purposes) NOT for publishing anywhere else.
We may take photos (not on Shabbat) of BJC youth programming, and these photos (without names) may be included in Iyunim/Kehillat Shabbat and Beth Jacob Congregation printed and online materials. If that is something with which you are NOT comfortable, check this box.
Minyan Katan/Babysitting ($20/month) 
PPK-Kindergarten ($360)
1st-2nd Grade ($540)
3rd-4th Grade ($650) 
5th-8th Grade ($420) 
9th-12th Grade ($180) 
B'nai Mitzvah Programming:
Does your child have any other allergies, to food, medication, or other? If so, please tell us everything we need to know.
IMPORTANT: Please enter any health/special info about this child that of which we should be aware (please be specific).
This photo will be used in classroom activities (e.g. for attendance purposes) NOT for publishing anywhere else.
We may take photos (not on Shabbat) of BJC youth programming, and these photos (without names) may be included in Iyunim/Kehillat Shabbat and Beth Jacob Congregation printed and online materials. If that is something with which you are NOT comfortable, check this box.
Student #4:
Minyan Katan/Babysitting ($20/month) 
PPK-Kindergarten ($360)
1st-2nd Grade ($540)
3rd-4th Grade ($650) 
5th-8th Grade ($420) 
9th-12th Grade ($180) 
B'nai Mitzvah Programming:
Does your child have any other allergies, to food, medication, or other? If so, please tell us everything we need to know.
IMPORTANT: Please enter any health/special info about this child that of which we should be aware (please be specific).
This photo will be used in classroom activities (e.g. for attendance purposes) NOT for publishing anywhere else.
We may take photos (not on Shabbat) of BJC youth programming, and these photos (without names) may be included in Iyunim/Kehillat Shabbat and Beth Jacob Congregation printed and online materials. If that is something with which you are NOT comfortable, check this box.
Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784