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BJC Scholarship Application

We have limited scholarship funds available. We will do our best to work with you and our community partners to acquire as much scholarship as possible. All scholarship awards will be confidentially determined by our scholarship committee. Please be in touch with Rabbi Justin or Scholarship Committee Chair Steve Ukes with any questions. 

Scholarship recipients are asked to share some of their learning from the experience (anonymously if desired) with the community.  This could take the form of a short write-up for the Kol Yaakov, sharing from the bimah (d'var torah or something shorter), or creating a poster that can be displayed for a short period of time. 

Scholarship applications need to be submitted at least with a month's lead time to the program registration deadline. Beth Jacob Congregation's policy is to send money directly to the programs and not to families. 

Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785