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Purim Carnival Sponsorship 2024

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Just as you might sponsor a Kiddush with your family, a group of friends, sports fans, etc., we're hoping you can help us by sponsoring a booth at the Purim Carnival. Our small booths are $100/each to sponsor and our Moon Bounce and Food Stand will be $300/each. Your generous donation helps us in several ways, most notably in being able to cut costs for our annual retreat, CMT – Chapter Membership Training. This will also enable us to subsidize other programs, such as Kadima Kallah, Mystery Bus Rides for both USY and Kadima, as well as regular lounge nights and other activities. Thank you for all that you do to support us!

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If you would like your company's logo to be included on the sponsorship sign, please upload it here.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784